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Create Your Own Merch Video Course


10 Modules 

The Beta video version of our Flagship Course

Our complete 10-week course in a video series

Recorded during our Live Create Your Own Merch Course sessions

Just imagine you could have, at your fingertips, a huge collection of branded merchandise, with your logo, images and messages emblazoned upon it
having to hold piles of expensive stock
having to source a variety of items every time you want something different
having to learn to position/print/buy materials and machinery...

You CAN with Print on Demand

Let me show you how you can put your brand images and messaging on over 300 fabulous, high quality products. Just think of the possibilities!​

Merchandise examples
Olivia with her branded mug Create Your Own Merch

So, Who Are You?

You are a business owner who would love their own merchandise collection but 

  • have no idea where or how to start

  • don't want to have to find a supplier

  • don't want to buy in a ridiculously high minimum order quantity of just one product at a time

  • are unwilling or unable to spend heaps of money on stock

  • don't want to find somewhere to store all that stock

  • don't want to be left with it if it doesn't sell - especially as it's branded so you can't even send it back to the supplier for a refund!


So what would you LOVE?

  • You know that your own, branded product collection would give you that professional edge

  • You would love a huge variety of products in an assortment of sizes and colours

  • You want your brand to be more visible

  • You would love to be able to send thank you gifts, gift packs and goodie bags to special clients

  • You attend events and exhibitions and need products for your display

  • You would absolutely welcome an extra income stream

How You Will Get There

Our exciting Create Your Own Merch Video Course will take you from having no merchandise or promotional products to your own, full branded collection - and an added income stream

Create Your Own Merch Course

Branded and Covered

"So, what is in the Create Your Own Merch Video Course?"

"What will I get out of it?"

"What's in it for me?"


All extremely valid questions!



With this easy to follow, full-of-content, video series, you will learn how to... 


  • Understand the full concept of POD - Print on Demand; a world where it's possible to build and sell your own merchandise collection without having to hold or invest in stock, where your customers' orders are printed/embroidered geographically close to where they are situated and shipped directly to them, all done for you!

  • Create new designs and adjust existing ones (such as your logo, other brand imagery or text-based designs) so that they can be added to merchandise

  • Research keywords and check for trademark and copyright issues

  • Upload your designs to two different POD Platforms, giving you over 300 individual products per design and make them available to purchase on the Platforms themselves

  • Promote your merch with the use of lifestyle mock-up images

  • Build your own merch website and/or link it to your existing site

  • Add print on demand products to Etsy



Once you see your branding loaded onto the various products using our step by step techniques, you will find it straightforward to implement and totally mesmerising!











Of course, once you have learnt how to 'do' print on demand, you will be able to go forth and add as many other designs as you wish. Once they are uploaded, they become completely passive from YOUR point of view. Order fulfilment is someone else's job. 


This is why we call it an ACPIS - an Almost Completely Passive Income Stream!


With our unique, easy-to-follow step by step video course you'll soon be showing off your own fabulous on-brand pieces.

You'll have a lot of fun along the way, too, with some incredible "Ah-ha!" moments!

Why is CYOM now a Video-Based Course?

We have been successfully running this CYOM course on both a 1-1 and Live Group basis, and now it's time to help more business owners, so we are releasing this massively valuable content on video.

During the recent, extremely popular, 12-week Live Group Create Your Own Course, we discovered that everyone likes to learn at their own pace, and as a result made the decision that a really comprehensive, yet easy to follow, video series would be a far more suitable way of bringing you the training. 

We are in the process of re-filming all of the pieces "to camera" (with each Module broken down into shorter videos) but, rather than leave you without access to this incredible training, we decided to make the 10 recordings of the CYOM Modules from that live course available at a special offer price, so that you can begin right now!

Hence the 'Beta' tag.

By taking advantage of this offer, you will receive the full training and save yourself £100!

As soon as our new videos are complete, we will remove this Beta offer from sale.

Please note that the original CYOM Live Group Course was made up of 12 Modules, whereas the Video Series is 10. This is because there were two Surgery Modules, which have been replaced by ongoing monthly Surgery/Troubleshooting Sessions, live in the Alumni Group.


Which gives you even more help - and the confidence to embark upon your branded merch journey, safe in the knowledge that you have continuous support.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.
Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie

...and that is exactly what we at Branded & Covered are bringing to you. Though without the fish!

An easy-to-follow, step by step route to having your own branded merchandise collection, using our tried and tested techniques.

Read what Sarah, one of our CYOM course alumni has to say...

Sarah Yates Testimonial

"...with my step by step guidance you will find the whole process so easy to digest." 


So, Who Are Branded & Covered and How Can We Help You Make it Happen?

I am Jo Wildsmith and I’m an established custom printer and print on demand expert.


I can help you to Create Your Own Merchandise Collection, so that you can professionally promote and elevate your brand – and also build an additional, almost completely passive income stream.


I have all the POD credentials and I'm bringing you the full benefit of my skills, knowledge and experience:

  • 25 years in sales, sales training and sales management

  • Qualified life coach

  • Multiple ecom website owner


However, B&C isn't just me. Now we have a team of highly skilled, fully trained PODDERS with a great deal of experience of their own. Click here to meet the team.

Jo Wildsmith owner of Branded & Covered
Branded and Covered

Are YOU ready to Create Your Own Merch?

You'll receive:
10 Video Modules


Membership of the private B&C Alumni Facebook Group, for ongoing support
Free monthly Surgery and Troubleshooting Sessions
The opportunity to promote your merchandise in the Branded & Covered Marketplace


Jo's Amazon KDP Video Training

Have you ever wanted to create your own notebooks,
ournals or planners?

This additional Bonus alone is worth £195

cyom video course.jpg

"Wait, did you just say membership of a private group and a place to promote my merch?"


Yes! You will have free membership to the B&C Alumni Facebook group. It's strictly only for those who have invested in themselves by taking our courses or packages (known as our Esteemed Alumni). 

It's where you'll find ongoing support, updates, a lively community of like-minded business owners and monthly Surgery/Troubleshooting Sessions.


And the Marketplace? You will also have the exclusive opportunity to have your products listed in the Marketplace of the Branded & Covered website, - free of charge, now and forever. (You are, of course, able to keep your collection for your own private use if you prefer.)


Come along and visit the Marketplace at any time - there are lots of beautiful pieces designed by Esteemed Alumni of Branded & Covered. Click here to go there

That's not all...
You will also receive the fantastic Wildybird Bonus...

_ Dark Purple Wildybird bonus June 22 f.jpg

One word of warning though, POD can be extremely addictive! 


You'll get such a buzz seeing your branded merchandise come to life - and then when you first make a sale it takes it to the next level!


With CYOM, you will discover the whole process.


"I promise you won't get bogged down in the tech - if I can do it so can you!" 


"OK Jo, so how much do I have to shell out for all of this?"
I'm delighted to bring you all of this, our flagship merch training course plus the Self-Publishing bonus, for
3 payments of £145
£395 if you pay all in one go - giving you a £40 saving

B&C Tile transparent

Would you like to know a bit more before you secure your place? 
Check out these FAQs...


  • Is this video course available year-round?

  • It is our intention to have the Create Your Own Merch Video Course available as an evergreen offering, but we currently re-recording most of the video content of this course, to upgrade it. Because of this, and to be able to offer you training if you are champing at the bit to get started, we decided to offer the existing CYOM videos as a short-term special offer. Once the new video course is completed and released, this Beta version will no longer be available to purchase.


  • For how long will I be able to access the Alumni Facebook Group for support, etc?

  • Permanently, and at no further cost.


  • I don't want hundreds of products, I simply want a carefully chosen selection of branded merchandise on my own merch website. Will Branded & Covered do this for me?

  • Yes, we also offer Premiere Merch Websites, built for you by our team. Contact us here to find out more.


  • What happens if I don't have a logo or any brand images?

  • I can put you in touch with a phenomenal graphic designer to help you with this, whose work I highly recommend. Alternatively, we can work together to create simple image and text based designs. You don't have to fill all your design slots up with business-based ideas, it will be YOUR collection so the subject matter is entirely UP TO YOU.


  • What are Mock-ups?

  • Those super-professional, high quality photographs and videos of models showing off your fabulous merchandise!


  • Do I have to worry about infringing trademarks or copyright?

  • In the print on demand world, we take intellectual property extremely seriously. We always do our utmost to work within the confines of IP law and if any of your designs or listings could cause issues we will advise you so that we can remove or significantly alter them. Ultimately however, IP remains your own legal responsibility.


  • What about descriptions for product listings? Keywords and SEO?

  • All part of the training.


  • I'd love my own merch collection but don't want to do it myself.

  • You have a couple of options. You are welcome to use this course as a way of further developing a member of your team. Show them you appreciate them and also give your business its own internal POD specialist. Alternatively, have a look at our VIP Packages here, where we, literally, do it all for you. 


  • Can I pay in instalments?

  • This CYOM Video Course is available to you across 3 monthly payments, as detailed above. If you prefer to pay all in one go, you will save £40.


  • Who is in your team?

  • My team currently consists of Sophie, who has a background in photography and admin, Tierney, who has just completed her degree in Product Design, and Ali, who has been working with B&C in a VA capacity for a while now. All are trained by me, personally and extensively.


  • And what are your credentials, Jo?

  • I'm a seasoned POD pro, with an ever-increasing presence on 15 print on demand platforms and multiple ecommerce websites, but with my extensive sales experience, coaching skills and custom printing background, there is so much more to my story. You can find out more here: About B&C.


  • My friends would LOVE this too - do you have an Affiliate Programme?

  • We certainly do! It is only open to people who have invested in any of Branded & Covered's courses or packages. When you are logged into your B&C account, you will easily be able to copy your Affiliate Link to share with your friends and connections. We pay a handsome 20% of the course or package purchased to our Affiliates.


  • Can I ask you something not covered here - or chat about this further?

  • Sure, just use this link to book a free Discovery Call with me or a member of the B&C team.



  • Could I work it all out for myself?

I'm certainly not a tech genius. I am, however, a successful PODDER in my own right and have a great deal of knowledge and expertise in the custom printing, sales and e-commerce arenas which I am bringing to the table along with the full POD training. (You can read more about my story here.) If you feel you would like to try learning independently without my or my highly trained team's help, then go ahead, but do read this testimonial from my Esteemed Alumna Diane first. Diane completed the 1-1 version of the Course, which at that time was the first six modules only.

Forensic Minds Testimonial.png

Fancy a Chat?

If you would like further clarity or information from me before you go ahead, please do book a free, no-obligation Discovery Call with me by clicking this button:

floating Jo.png

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