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Create Your Own Merch 1 to 1 Course



Save 50% - strictly limited to 2 spaces

One to One - just you and I

Clear, thorough, step by step training

Live on Zoom

Join me to find out how to Create Your Own Merch, live via Zoom. 

Imagine you could have, at your fingertips, a huge collection of branded merchandise, with your logo, images and messages emblazoned upon it
having to hold piles of expensive stock
having to source a variety of items every time you want something different
having to learn to position/print/buy materials and machinery

I can get you there

Olivia with her branded mug Create Your Own Merch

Who Are You?

You are a business owner who would love their own merchandise collection but 

  • have no idea where or how to start.

  • don't want to have to find a supplier.

  • don't want to buy in a ridiculously high minimum order quantity of just one product at a time.

  • are unwilling or unable to spend heaps of money on stock.

  • don't want to find somewhere to store all that stock.

  • don't want to be left with it if it doesn't sell - especially as it's branded so you can't even send it back to the supplier for a refund!


So what WOULD you love?

  • You know that your own, branded product collection would give you that professional edge.

  • You would love a huge variety of products in an assortment of sizes and colours.

  • You want your brand to be more visible.

  • You would love to be able to send thank you gifts, gift packs and goodie bags to special clients.

  • You attend events and exhibitions and have products for your display.

  • You would absolutely welcome an extra income stream - via a separate platform, a dedicated website or available on your existing website - or all three!

Who Am I?

I am Jo Wildsmith and I’m a custom printer and print on demand expert, and I help business owners to create their own Merchandise Collection, so that they can professionally promote and elevate their brand – and also build an additional, almost completely passive income stream.


Let's delve a little deeper to show you why I'm perfectly positioned to help you:

Yes, I have all the print on demand credentials. In fact, at last count, I have an ever-increasing presence on 14 print on demand platforms including Merch by Amazon, Spreadshirt, Redbubble and Teepublic - in addition to two websites that are facilitated by print on demand - but there is more to my skills, knowledge and experience than that. 

In addition to a successful sales career spanning 25 years, I am a qualified life coach and author.

I'm also a mum of three, which is probably the best way to illustrate my patience and people skills!  Jo.

Jo Wildsmith owner of Branded & Covered
Merchandise examples

How I Will Get You There

My brand new Create Your Own Merch 1 to 1 Course will take you from having no merchandise or promotional products to your own, full branded collection - and an added income stream too!


Check out what my former student, Sheree, one of my Esteemed Alumni has to say...


Sherenity Testimonial.png

"...with my step by step guidance I can make the whole process so much easier to digest."  Jo.

Sheree Kennedy

Let me introduce you to 

My Create Your Own Merch  1 -1 Course

Delivered in live Zoom sessions over twelve Modules, I will show you the whole process. I'll take you methodically through each step and include additional information, above and beyond the basics. We will work at your own pace and cover as many Modules in each Zoom session as you are comfortable with.


Once you see your branding loaded onto the various products using my step by step technique, you will find it straightforward to implement and totally mesmerising!


The Modules:


  1. Introduction and Preparation - getting you all set up and ready to go

  2. Crossing the T's and Circling the C's - keywords, trademarks and copyright

  3. Welcome to Your First POD Platform - your creator account, templates and designs

  4. Uploading, Platform 1 - everyone's favourite session!

  5. Scaling Up, Platform 1 - how to build your collection

  6. Sharing and Promoting your Merchandise

  7. Implementation Session 1 - virtual over-the-shoulder revision help to ensure you are on the right track

  8. Platform 2 (and 3, actually!) - the next dimension, with even more product options

  9. Your Own Merch Website - platforms are fantastic, but what if you want to go it alone?

  10. Adding Your Own Merchandise Store to Your Existing Website

  11. Adding Print on Demand Products to Etsy

  12. Implementation Session 2 - a second virtual over-the-shoulder revision session


There will be downloadable notes for you to print off if you are like me and prefer to have a paper backup - or something to jot your ideas down on!

But wait, there's more...

Welcome to The Marketplace

By successfully completing the course and creating your own merchandise collection you also have the exclusive opportunity to have your products listed in the Marketplace of my website,


You have plenty of space to showcase a selection of your favourite products and add your own bio, contact details and photographs, alongside links which lead directly to your newly formed store on the print on demand (POD) platform. This means you earn full royalties from every sale. 


It's my way of saying Thank You.


Of course, there's no obligation to open your collection up to the public at large. You can keep your merchandise entirely private, for your own use. You can then order it, quite literally, on demand for your own promotional use.


Come along and visit the Marketplace at any time - there are lots of beautiful pieces designed by my Esteemed Alumni of Branded & Covered. Click here to go there.

My Own POD Story

As you may already know, I have been a custom printer for several years; it took a long time to perfect my techniques and a huge investment in stock and specialist machinery. It also had a lot of limitations, from dispatching my painstakingly printed goods to my clients to scaling - I only have one pair of hands and therefore was unable to take on larger orders or spend time growing the business.


Then the global pandemic put a pause on everything. Most of my customers closed their businesses overnight. It was then that I discovered POD - Print on Demand.


Suddenly I could offer hundreds of products to customers all over the world. I no longer had to stress about making the prints all identically positioned or dashing to the Post Office. I'd read about dropshipping before, but here was a whole new ball game. I could add my own designs, making the products totally unique.


And then, the breakthrough: I used a POD platform to create a client's branded merchandise and she loved it.


By bringing together my POD knowledge with my sales experience and my coaching skills, I now help other business owners to create their own merchandise collections. There is nothing like that magical moment when a client sees their logo or company message on a huge array of products for the very first time.

What's more, it's perfect for creating branded merchandise because I show them how to keep their merchandise private, for their own use, or make it available for the world at large to purchase. It's even possible to have a mix of the two, with just some products made public.


And now I am bringing it all to you in a how-to format

so you can create your own branded merchandise collection

As for my teaching style? Read what Carolyn has to say about that...

Restoring Self Belief Short Testimonial.png

So, how can you join me, One to One?

Unlike my Group Course, Create Your Own Merch 1 to 1 is available all year round, but don't let that slow you down. The sooner you begin, the sooner your branded merchandise will be available. You'll be able to use it, share it and start earning royalties!

Create Your Own Merch 1 to 1
during the 24 hour Flash Sale and save yourself an astonishing 50%!

Regular Price: £999
Flash Sale Price: £499

Would you like to know a bit more before you join me? 

Check out these
Frequently Asked Questions...

Jo Wildsmith from Branded & Covered

How long is each Module?

Each of the twelve Modules takes approximately one hour. You are welcome to ask questions, and for more clarification throughout, I encourage you to block out longer in your own diary. This is in case you are engrossed and would like to continue the session,  which often happens once you see the magic of POD!


What's the fine print regarding the Flash Sale?

The July Flash Sale is only running from 2pm on Wednesday 13th July to 2pm on the 14th of July 2022. 

There are only TWO Create Your Own Merch 1-1 places available on this Flash Sale.

The £499 price is payable in full, saving you 50% off the full £999 price.

There is no monthly payment option for the Flash Sale; if you opt for monthly payments it will revert to the full price.


When are the Live Modules scheduled for?

As it is just you and I on the Zoom training sessions, we can fit them into your own schedule. I will share my Calendly link with you, showing my availability.


Can I pay in instalments?

Usually yes, but if you are taking advantage of the 24 hour Flash Sale, there is ONLY a pay-in-full option. If you would prefer to pay monthly, it will be at the full monthly payment price.


Tech changes all the time. Will the training remain current and be continuously updated?

Yes, after completing your course you will be invited into the Branded & Covered Alumni Group, where you will receive news and updates.


I'd love my own merch collection but don't want to do it myself.

You have a couple of options. You are welcome to use this course as a way of further developing a member of your team. Show them you appreciate them and also give your business it's own POD specialist. Alternatively, have a look at my VIP Package here, where I, literally, do it all for you.


Could I work it all out for myself?

I'm not special; I'm certainly not a genius. I do, however, have a great deal of knowledge and expertise in the custom printing, sales and e-commerce arenas which I am bringing to the table along with the full Print on Demand training. If you feel you would like to try learning independently without my help, then go ahead, but do read this testimonial from my Esteemed Alumna Diane first. Diane completed the 1-1 Course, which at that time was the first six modules only.

Forensic Minds Testimonial.png

Fancy a Chat?

If you would like further clarity or information from me before you go ahead, please do book a free, no-obligation Discovery Call with me here.

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