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Branded and Covered mug create your own merch


Video Course 


4 Pre-Recorded Videos


Everything you need to know to create your own branded merchandise collection on one incredible print on demand platform - giving you over 100 products for each of your designs.

Just imagine you could have, at your fingertips, a fabulous collection of branded merchandise, with your logo, images and messages emblazoned upon it
having to hold piles of expensive stock
having to source a variety of items every time you want something different
having to learn to position/print/buy materials and machinery...

You CAN with Print on Demand

Let me show you how you can put your brand images and messaging on almost 100 fantastic, high quality products. Just think of the possibilities!​

Merchandise examples
Olivia with her branded mug Create Your Own Merch

So, Who Are You?

You are a business owner who would love their own merchandise collection but

  • don't know where to start

  • don't want to have to find a supplier

  • don't want to buy in a ridiculously high minimum order quantity of just one product at a time

  • are unwilling or unable to spend heaps of money on stock

  • don't want to find somewhere to store all that stock

  • don't want to be left with it if it doesn't sell - especially as it's branded so you can't even send it back to the supplier for a refund!


So what would you LOVE?

  • You know that your own, branded product collection would give you that professional edge

  • You would love access to 90+ products that can bear your imagery

  • You want your brand to be more visible

  • You would love to be able to send thank you gifts, gift packs and goodie bags to special clients

  • You attend events and exhibitions and need products for your display

  • You would absolutely welcome an extra income stream

How You Will Get There

My exciting video-based PODSTART Video Course will take you from having no merchandise or promotional products to your own, full branded collection - and an added income stream

This easy-to-follow four-video course will give you everything you need to have your own branded merch collection with my favourite print on demand platform, Redbubble.
In fact, I have been successfully running this course on a live basis and now it's time to share my knowledge, skills and experience in a video format at a lower price, to be able to share POD with more business owners than ever before.
heck out what former student, also known as my Esteemed Alumni, Sheree, has to say...

Sherenity Testimonial.png
Sheree Kennedy

"Possibly the most satisfying thing I've ever done!" 


POD Video Alumna

"...with my step by step video guides you will find the whole process so easy to digest." 


With PODSTART, you will have everything you need to bring your branded merchandise collection to life

Your FOUR VIDEO MODULES will show you...


Video 1

  • Designing and resizing images for print on demand

  • Trademarks, copyright and keywords 


Video 2

  • Setting up your account on the print on demand platform

  • Uploading your first design. This is where the magic happens!


Video 3

  • Building your collection

  • Using POD to give you an extra, almost completely passive income stream


Video 4

  • How to create mock-up photos and videos to promote and share your merchandise

You will receive...

PODSTART Contents:

4 Video Modules
PDF Notes

Lifetime Access 

Free Membership of the private B&C Alumni Noticeboard private group
The opportunity to promote your merchandise in the Branded & Covered Marketplace

PODSTART workbook
Create Your Own Merch at Branded & Covered

... can you imagine YOUR branding on these high quality products?


You'll get such a buzz seeing your branded merchandise come to life - and then when you first make a sale it takes it to the next level! 


With the PODSTART Video Course you will soon be creating your own stunning products and showing them off using mock-up photos.


"I promise you won't get bogged down in the tech - if I can do it

so can you!" 


"OK Jo, so how much is PODSTART?"

All of this for just £19.50 a month - or save money by
opting for a one-off payment of £195


So, Who Am I and How Can I Make it Happen for YOU?

Jo Wildsmith owner of Branded and Covered

I am Jo Wildsmith and I’m an established custom printer and print on demand expert.



I can help you to Create Your Own Merchandise Collection, so that you can professionally promote and elevate your brand – and also build an additional, almost completely passive income stream.



I have all the POD credentials and I'm bringing you the full benefit of my skills, knowledge and experience:

  • 25 years in sales

  • Qualified life coach

  • Multiple ecom website owner

Would you like to know a bit more before you begin your print on demand journey with PODSTART? 
Check out these FAQs...

  • Which POD platform will I be using for my merch collection?

The Video series concentrates on the Redbubble platform, giving you over 90 different brandable products. You will learn how to use the platform specifically for your own branded merchandise, and then I expand the training to show you how to research and add designs for the wider world.​


  • Can I pay monthly?

At B&C, we like to make sure everyone can have access to the magical world of print on demand, so you can purchase PODSTART at just £19.50 per month for 12 months. Click on one of the BUY PODSTART buttons and you will see the two payment options. It will, however, save you two months' worth of payments if you opt for the pay-once £195 price.​


  • Tech changes all the time. Will the training remain current and be continuously updated?

Yes, after purchasing your course you will be invited into the Branded & Covered Alumni Group, where you will receive news and updates. 


  • I'd love my own merch collection but don't want to do it myself.

You have a couple of options. You are welcome to use this course as a way of further developing a member of your team. Show them you appreciate them and also give your business its own internal POD specialist. Alternatively, take a peek at VIPPOD and VIPPOD A-Lister, our totally done-for-you VIP packages.


  • Could I work it all out for myself?

I'm certainly not a tech genius. I am, however, a successful PODDER in my own right and have a great deal of knowledge and expertise in the custom printing, sales and e-commerce arenas which I am bringing to the table along with the full POD training. (You can read more about my story here.) If you feel you would like to try learning independently without my help, then go ahead, but do read this testimonial from my Esteemed Alumna Diane first. Diane completed my original live 1-1 version, which is exactly the same course content as PODSTART...

Forensic Minds Testimonial.png

If you would like further clarity or information from me before you go ahead, please do book a free, no-obligation Discovery Call with me...

B R A N D E D & C O V E R E D

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