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Your Own Merch VIP Package: VIPPOD &


Why don't you let me and my highly trained team do it all for you?

Our top-of-the-tree, truly VIP Packages give you your own branded merchandise collection with even less input from you - we simply do it for you and hand it over!

What is the Difference between the VIP Packages and the Create Your Own Merch Video Course?

Simply put - with the VIP Packages my team and I do it for you, whereas with the Create Your Own Merch Course (CYOM) I show you how to do it.


In fact, if you prefer to send a member of your team onto CYOM, then they could become your dedicated, designated print on demand manager, your very own PODDER!


But if you work alone or would prefer for us to do it all, with the benefit of our extensive print on demand experience, we are delighted to offer you our VIP Packages.

Why Go VIP?

You are a business owner who would love their own merchandise collection but 

  • have little or no time to take a course

  • don't actually WANT to take a course

  • would love the POD that Create Your Own Merch Group Course can offer, but want someone who knows what they are doing, a skillful and established print on demand expert, to do it all for you

  • prefer a personal, consultative service


After all...

  • You know that your own, branded product collection would give you that professional edge

  • You would love a huge variety of products in an assortment of sizes and colours

  • You want your brand to be visible and recognisable

  • You would love to be able to send thank you gifts, gift packs and goodie bags to special clients

  • You attend events and exhibitions and have products for your display

  • You know that someone doing all the set-up to give you an extra income stream, completely passively, is an incredible opportunity

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There are TWO VIP Packages available:
**VIPPOD A Lister

What is included in VIPPOD, our first VIP Package?
You will receive:

  • 10 designs uploaded by me and my team, one on the most suitable print on demand (POD) platform for your merch goals (giving you at least 90 products per design) and

  • The same 10 designs uploaded on your own merch website, which we will build for you as part of this package or link it to your existing website

  • Consultation session with me and/or your designated team member so that we can really get to know you, your business, your brand and your merchandise plans and aspirations, and can devote our time and expertise to building your perfect merch collection

  • Review sessions so you can let us know if you would like anything tweaked

  • 4 lifestyle mock-up photographs and 1 video with music and 1 video without music per design for you to use for promotion on your website, social media, press, etc

  • Full access to the CYOM Video Series, in case you fancy learning how to do it one day

  • Full notes, which you can download and print for your team if required

Merchandise examples

...and VIPPOD A Lister?

VIPPOD A Lister truly is our premium package. You receive everything in the VIPPOD package above, but instead of 10 designs you can submit up to 50!  We also upload to TWO platforms, giving you up to an astonishing 300 products per design.

  • 50 designs uploaded by me and my team, on two carefully chosen print on demand (POD) platforms (giving you approximately 300 products per design) and

  • The same 50 designs uploaded on your own merch website, which we will build for you as part of this package or link it to your existing website

  • Consultation session with me and/or your designated team member so that we can really get to know you, your business, your brand and your merchandise plans and aspirations, and can devote our time and expertise to building your perfect merch collection

  • Review sessions so you can let us know if you would like anything tweaked

  • 4 lifestyle mock-up photographs and 1 video with music and 1 video without music per design for you to use for promotion on your website, social media, press, etc

  • Full access to the CYOM Video Series, in case you fancy learning how to do it one day

  • Full notes, which you can download and print for your team if required

Branded and Covered

Could a Branded & Covered VIP Package be the Answer to Having Your Own Merch Collection? 
Meet our VIP Carolyn...

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B&C VIP Carolyn

Fancy Some Added Extras?
The Branded & Covered Alumni Group 

The Alumni Group is an exclusive, private members' Facebook group


You will have immediate access to the B&C Alumni Group, which is strictly only for those who have invested in themselves by taking our packages and courses (also known as my Esteemed Alumni). 


Here, you will be part of a growing community of equally merch and visibility conscious entrepreneurs and business owners. You can interact with the group as much or as little as you wish, but it is where I hold monthly surgery and troubleshooting sessions, invite speakers, keep you up to date with any news from the wonderful world of POD and where I am live in the group at least once a week.


The B&C Marketplace


You will also have the exclusive opportunity to have your products listed in the Marketplace of the Branded & Covered website, - free of charge, now and forever. (You are, of course, able to keep your collection for your own private use if you prefer.)


Come along and visit the Marketplace at any time - there are lots of beautiful pieces designed by Esteemed Alumni of Branded & Covered. Click here to go there


...and that's not all

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"But what if I don't have that many brand images?"

Your 10 or 50 designs can be any of the following and more...
logo(s) brand message company motto mission statement vision statement team photos
founder photos slogans motifs cartoons 
quotes jokes poems job titles team names
nick names occasion-based designs event-based designs
- in fact pretty much any image or text!

"So, how much are the VIP packages?"

*10 designs on one POD platform (at least 90 products, therefore 900 pieces of merch!)
*10 designs on your chosen selection of products on your own merch website or linked as a Shop Page to your existing site 
*Membership of the Alumni FB Group for continued support
*Free promotion on the B&C Marketplace
*Bonus: Amazon KDP Self-Publishing Video V
alue £195 

All of the above for 3 monthly payments of £465
or save £100 by paying in one go: £1295

or would you prefer to go A List?
*50 designs on two POD platforms (approx 300 products, therefore 30,000 pieces of merch!)
*50 designs on your chosen selection of products on your own merch website or linked as a Shop Page to your existing site 
*Membership of the Alumni FB Group for continued support
*Free promotion on the B&C Marketplace

*Bonus: Amazon KDP Self-Publishing Video Value £195 

The full VIPPOD A Lister package: 3 monthly payments of £1850
or save £550 by paying in one go: £5000

Each VIP has their own dedicated B&C team member

Would you like to know a bit more before you Go VIP? 
Check out these FAQs...

  • How can you possibly do it all for me? You won't know my audience, my clients, my business, my values... me?

Together, you and I, and/or a member of the B&C team, will discuss all of this and more in the Consultation Call, so that we can go ahead and build your merchandise collection in a way that is a perfect representation of you and your enterprise.


  • What is the process?

All calls are live and private via Zoom.

We begin with the Consultation Call.

Then we disappear off and do the creative part. This means setting up your accounts with the various print on demand platforms, perfecting your designs and uploading and positioning them onto all the available products. We present the results to you the results in a Review Call, during which we can tweak and amend your merchandise, as required.

We make any changes and re-present your collection to you in a second Review Call. If you are 100% delighted, we move onto the next phase. If not, we repeat the tweak-and-review process.

We then go ahead and create your lifestyle mock-up images: 4 stills and 2 versions of 1 video per design (one video with music and one without). 

The final phase is the Confirmation Call, where you tell me you are ready for your merchandise collection to go live.

If you are happy to, we will add your collection to the Marketplace, unless you would prefer your merch to remain private.


  • Mock-ups?

Yes, those super-professional, high quality photographs and videos of models showing off your fabulous merchandise!


  • Are the B&C VIPPOD packages available year-round?

It is our intention to have both VIPPOD and VIPPOD A Lister available as an evergreen offering, but we reserve the right to temporarily pause availability during exceptionally busy periods. It is vital that we give our VIPs the time and attention they deserve, so this measure is in place to protect our VIPPOD and VIPPOD A Lister clients.


  • What happens if I opt for the 10-design VIPPOD plan, or the 50-design A Lister, but then decide that I would like to add more?

Simply contact me directly here and I will tell you all about our Booster Pack. Only those on VIPPOD and VIPPOD A Lister packages are eligible for Booster Packs. They are not available as stand-alone options.


  • For how long will I be able to access the Alumni Facebook Group for support, etc?

Permanently, and at no further cost.


  • I don't want hundreds of products, I simply want a carefully chosen selection of branded merchandise on my own merch website. Is VIPPOD my best option?

You do have another option, we also offer Premiere Merch Websites, built for you by our team. Contact us here to find out more.


  • What happens if I don't have a logo or any brand images?

I can put you in touch with a phenomenal graphic designer to help you with this, whose work I highly recommend. Alternatively, we can work together to create simple image and text based designs. You don't have to fill all your design slots up with business-based ideas, it will be YOUR collection so the subject matter is entirely UP TO YOU.


  • Do I have to worry about infringing trademarks or copyright?

In the print on demand world, we take intellectual property extremely seriously. We always do our utmost to work within the confines of IP law and if any of your designs or listings could cause issues we will advise you so that we can remove or significantly alter them. Ultimately however, IP remains your own legal responsibility.


  • What about descriptions for product listings? Keywords and SEO?

All part of the VIPPOD service!


  • Can I pay in instalments?

This VIP done-for-you package is available to you across 3 monthly payments, as detailed above. If you prefer to pay all in one go, you will save £100 or £550, depending which VIP plan you have chosen.


  • Who is in your team?

My team currently consists of Sophie, who has a background in photography and admin, Tierney, who has just completed her degree in Product Design, and Ali, who has been working with B&C in a VA capacity for a while now. All are trained by me, personally and extensively. Find out more about Ali, Tierney and Sophie's roles at B&C in our About B&C page.


  • And what are your credentials, Jo?

I'm a seasoned POD pro, with an ever-increasing presence on 15 print on demand platforms and multiple ecommerce websites, but with my extensive sales experience, coaching skills and custom printing background, there is so much more to my story. You can find out more here: About B&C.


  • My friends would LOVE this too - do you have an Affiliate Programme?

We certainly do! It is only open to people who have invested in any of Branded & Covered's courses or packages. When you are logged into your B&C account, you will easily be able to copy your Affiliate Link to share with your friends and connections. We pay a handsome 20% of the course or package purchased to our Affiliates.


  • Can I ask you something not covered here - or chat about this further?

Sure, just use this link to book a VIP Discovery Call with me.


  • Do you send out email newsletters?

Yes! You can join our email newsletter list here!

B&C Tile transparent
Are you ready to be a B&C
VIPPOD A Lister?
Go VIP with Jo

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