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  • Writer's pictureJo Trafford

They Say, "If it ain't broke..."

Today I want to tell you about February.

In February I ran my first full online challenge for Branded & Covered… and I absolutely loved it.

It was called From Meh to Yeah!

Over three days, just an hour live on FB each day, we had the best time. I showed those taking part the magic of print on demand.

We all marvelled at what’s possible and everyone who took part learnt how to put their own designs on a mug using Canva (etc) and POD.

At the end of the challenge, we had a Wrap Party and I announced three prize winners before telling the challengers how they could work with me to go beyond just mugs, to be able to create merch of tens, no hundreds of products.

Everyone who decided to take their POD journey with me then received their mug in the post shortly afterwards. They had that magic moment, opening the box and seeing their first piece of merchandise for the very first time. Quite literally, box fresh.

They also received a notebook, specific to the particular course/package they decided upon.

Why am I telling you this?

Because I adored every moment of the challenge and the whole launch. It went so much better than I ever could have imagined.

Feedback from the courses has been wonderful. The VIP done-for-them packages were more popular than I expected and now I have a small team to allow me to give the kind of service they and even more VIPs deserve.

I’m in the process of filming a high-quality video version of Create Your Own Merch, splitting each Module into shorter, more manageable lessons.

“Why, if your launch for the live training version was so successful?”

“If it’s not broke, don’t fix it!”

Let me explain.

I want to learn and keep moving forward, making the course as accessible, understandable, followable, helpful and downright valuable as possible.

The live course was great, but anyone who missed a week or two’s training may have felt that joining the next live training session would have been confusing. Yes, they had access to the recordings, but watching for a full hour on replay is quite a task, isn’t it?

I hope that having this new format will work better for everyone.

There are now TWO VIP plans, too, and of course PODSTART, the smaller video series.

And you might want to ask me about Premiere.

Continuous improvement.

So, I wanted to tell you about the successful launch, and now I’ve got carried away and told you what I’m doing here in the background.

The fact is, without the success of February’s From Meh to Yeah Launch, I might not be doing any of this.

Thank you so much, everyone who came along.

With additional thanks to

#VisibleLisaJohnson @LisaJohnsonStrategist

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