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  • Writer's pictureJo Trafford

A Woman's Prerogative

I'm not getting all Bobby Brown on you, I promise. Though I pretty much guarantee you'll be singing My Prerogative to yourself right now.


Aw, love Nicole. Anyway, back to my point. I have changed my mind. As is, they say, a woman's prerogative.

So. What was this monumental about turn of which I speak?

What prompted me to shift my shizzle?

It happened after my fabulous live interview with Louisa Herridge last week. We chatted 'off air' afterwards and she said something to me that has been an earworm ever since.

"Why aren't your one to ones available to buy now?"

And she's right. They should be.

I had removed them from sale on the site for two reasons.

  1. I am currently in the midst of a course myself with the amazing Lisa Johnson, learning how to professionally and eloquently offer my courses. It seemed appropriate to temporarily pause the availability of my Create Your Own Merch courses until I had completed my own learning.

I should have known better. Even when Lisa's course ends, I will still continue learning. Because we all do. Always.

2. I was snowed under and didn't think I had time for one to one sessions.

Then I did a few one to one trainings as favours to friends. I loved it. I loved seeing the transformation my clients went through, the audible gasp and the look on their faces when they saw their branding on all the promotional products.

Actually, I didn't just love it, I thrived upon it. I felt a sense of purpose that had been missing lately, without me even noticing it had ebbed away.

And so, my darlings, I am changing my mind. I am going to put my one to ones back on sale. I will be limiting the number of slots, purely because there's only little old me doing it and I want to ensure everyone gets my full attention and energy.

There is another reason why this is a crucial time to get your own merch collection out there:



Whassat Jo? Well, if you are not in retail or ecommerce, you might recognise it more easily as Quarter 4. The Silly Season. The Festive Season. Chrimble. Christmas. Yuletide.

Hey, come back! I know, I know, I feel like going and burying my head when someone starts talking about Santa in September too. In fact, I'm a real Bah Humbug type. I get proper grumpy when people get all up themselves because they've already bought all their Christmas presents before, well, December 20th to be honest.

But if you are on the other end of the commercial journey, you really need to get your products out there! As a print on demand pro, I know that Q4 sales can add up to more than the whole rest of the year. I know that it's a great time to get your offerings known and loved. I know that it's the biggest money spinner and I know that 2022 will be easier and less stressful with a stupendous Q4.

And so I need to give my prospective students the opportunity to get their own products out there, to take advantage of "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year". Well, at least you'll be singing that now instead of Bobby Brown.

Now I need to go and make myself a cuppa and get on with opening up Create Your Own Merch One to One.

I'm going to price it at the ball park of where I will be putting the group version once my LJ course finishes.

Which is a bit crazy I know, but I'm thinking that just because I'm not making the group sessions available yet it does not mean you should miss out. As soon as the group one is ready to go the one to one option will of course need to be at a premium.

With one to one's though, it means we can go at your own pace. Some of you are happy to battle through six hours on the trot, others prefer bite-size chunks. Most people prefer something in the middle.

As soon as I've twiddled the admin bit, I'll add the link to here. I wanted to give you, my dear faithful blog reader, prior notice though.

I do have to limit the number of slots because of my time, but also because I want you to get your merch stores up and running in order to take full advantage of Q4.

I won't be interviewing anyone this week on the 12.05 because I want to be able to tell you more about this - remember to join me live at 12.05 in the Branded & Covered FB Group with Jo Wildsmith.

By the way, if you missed my interview with Louisa, you can catch it here. And if you want to catch her Sparks and Impact course, you need to get your skates on! Find out more here.

I'm delighted to say I'm on it and can't wait to get started!

So, as my kettle nears boiling point, I will leave you,

Have a fantastic week, my lieblings,

Jo xx.

PS If you haven't read my Top 10 Most Wanted Merch, you really need to! Get it here!

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