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  • Writer's pictureJo Trafford

Business Cheerleaders

We ALL need them.

There may be days where you wake up feeling like you can't face the world, where you just want to turn the alarm off and hide under the duvet.

There may also be days where you bounce out of bed before the alarm, humming a happy tune and then something puts a spanner in the works and before you know it you're on a downward spiral.

Perhaps some birk will pull out and hit your car. Or call you something obscene in Asda.

So how do we bounce back? How do we brush aside these negative forces and bring ourselves back into our happy - and productive - place?

Step forward your Business Cheerleader!

Your Business Cheerleader is like a Business Bestie - but a step further. Think a Business Bestie that's had too many orange Smarties. Or Blue VK.

A Business Cheerleader will do more than pick you up when you're down. They will give you a proper talking to, too, and sometimes this might not be something you appreciate at the time, something you really don't feel ready to hear.

Your Business Cheerleader will not only have your corner, they'll also have your back.

They will bring another brain to a problem, another pair of eyes on the situation, another heap of experience and opinion.

What they won't do, though, is be quiet. Imagine them with sparkly pompoms on the sidelines, giving you a loud and robust cheer. They may not be subtle; they are there to spur you on and if that needs to be done with a megaphone and a cartwheel then so be it.

They will also push you out of your comfort zone. They will encourage you to step up when you would rather stay safe.

Your Business Cheerleader will offer you an alternative view. Of course, their own life and business are also a work-in-progress. Don't necessarily assume that because someone has more clients, followers or even just vocal volume than you that they've got everything sussed - and remember no one knows or understands your business and your mission as well as you do.

Do, however, use them as a sounding board for new ideas, turn to them when you need a pep talk or for a boost when energy is low. When those wretched mind monkeys sneak in, your Business Cheerleader will send them packing.

So, who is your Business Cheerleader?

It's no secret that mine is called Jojo and I am incredibly lucky to have her in my life. Actually, I'm extremely fortunate in that, over the last couple of years, the online space has brought me a whole community of BC's that I can turn to for advice, varying viewpoints, encouragement and support.

I would like to point out that my BC is not one of my family members or a non-own-business-owning friend. She understands and appreciates the bumps in the road. She doesn't gloss over them or pretend they don't exist, but she has an incredible ability to help me recognise that they are all part of the journey, the way forward. And that I am moving forward, even on those days where it feels like I'm going backwards.

Your family love you. Your friends love you. Hopefully, at least. They will tell you what you want to hear, they may say "Take a break" when you really need to push through. They might even say "Wouldn't you be better off if you just went and got a job?"





On. That.


I'm not saying you should bury your head in the sand if things really aren't working and have no hope in ever doing so. I am saying to be careful who you turn to and who you listen to. Pick people who truly understand what your business, ethos and goals are about.

Your family and friends care about you. It's only natural that they want to keep you safe.

Your Business Cheerleader will help you go so much further than you would without their influence - and they won't be afraid to ruffle a few feathers if needs be.

Enjoy the journey!

Jo xx.

PS Are you missing a Business Cheerleader in your life? If so, hit reply, I'd love to 'pay it forward', as they say.

PPS We could even develop our own Business Cheerleader Matchmaking Service. Now there's an idea!

Head over to the Branded & Covered FB Group with Jo Wildsmith to join fellow business owners. If you enjoyed this blog, do sign up for my weekly newsletters too!

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