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  • Writer's pictureJo Trafford


Ooh, look over there! And what about that up there? Quick, behind you, you don't want to miss that!

Sound familiar?

It's not even always diamonds. I mean, it's hardly ever diamonds. It's usually an idea, a notion, a flight of fancy.

As I've probably told you a million times, I love to learn new stuff. I'm like a sponge, I can't help soaking things up, or at least wanting to. The hard bit is not jumping into new things and actually finishing what I've started.

But those funky new ideas and shiny objects just keep on sucking me in.

Recently, I've realised that this is a totally human trait. It's OK to get sidetracked. It's fine to be flawed. On the other hand, recognising that my head has been turned and I'm being distracted and dragged off on a tangent has helped me to reset and readjust, maybe indulge myself in a little light research, and then get back on my intended journey.

Since embracing my SOS (Shiny Object Syndrome) I am much more in control of it. Sure, I can't help having a little list in my head of things that I will try when I have some spare time.

Haha, that's a good one.

Spare time?

For someone who helps her clients to create their own ACPIS (Almost Completely Passive Income Streams) I do seem to spend rather a lot of time tip-tapping on my computer keyboard and not lounging about on a sun lounger.

I'm clearly not cured. There's always another print on demand platform popping up or an enticing new product to add to an existing one.

At least I'm sticking to one main passion though. Or obsession. You decide. Either way, POD might just be the thing that keeps me from deviating. It has a combination of routines and formulas and yet keeps evolving too, which keeps my SOS happy.

I'm off while the going is good. There's a new POD platform I've got my eye on... but I promise you it's an In Addition To and not an Instead Of. Not that that helps really then.

As that sun lounger floats off into the distance, carried away by the tide of tantalising treats, tasks and talents.

Have a lovely week,

Jo xx.


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