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  • Writer's pictureJo Trafford

Fact or Fiction?

This week I'm considering the difference between fact and fiction.

Yes, I know I could just Google it or check in the dictionary, if I wanted to go old-school.

Well, hold it right there.

I'm not just thinking surface level here.

In your relationships, your business, your motivation?

What is an absolute truth, a Fact?

And what have you accepted as fact, when really and truly it is purely fiction?

It could even be fact for someone else, but fiction for you.

In my FB group and email newsletter this week, I will explore this further and on a more personal level.

For example, does one person's view of you and your personality, business or anything really, actually mean that is the fundamental truth?

Fortunately not, as we all have our own bias when labeling or putting things (or people) in boxes. Our own experiences and stories colour our view of the world.

Just because one person sees something as bad or negative, is it?

I'm not saying we should see the good in everything without question.

But do take the time and effort to consider whether something is actually a fact.

Or is it just fiction?

See you in my FB group - come along and tell me your thoughts on this,

Jo xx.

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