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  • Writer's pictureJo Trafford

Have You Seen Her?

Hey, how are you doing?

This week I’m the Invisible Woman.

Well, except I’m not, not really. I’m just being a little less visible than usual.

It’s been a crazy year for everyone, me included, so I have decided to take this week off.

Of course, if I was totally OFF-OFF you wouldn’t be reading this, would you? But thanks to the joy of scheduling, I have been able to set it in advance.

Which means last week (which as I write it is currently this week, if you see what I mean!) I had twice as many of everything to do, one for the present week and one to schedule. Same amount of work.

I’m not complaining. I thoroughly enjoy every aspect of my businesses. Some more than others, obviously.

Like when Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp went down. That wasn’t much fun, was it?

I do love the creating, the writing, the social aspects.

And I love seeing the faces of my students when I first show them what they can achieve.

Redbubble shops are popping up everywhere, thanks to my esteemed alumni. By the end of next year there will also be low-content books on Amazon and product collections on Spreadshirt, Teepublic and many more Print on Demand platforms, all lovingly created by Branded & Covered students.

It’s such an exciting time in the world of the Internet and how much we can use it to enhance our businesses and develop new income streams.

I’m not going to explain it all here. It’s all there, in full glory on and you are more than welcome to book in a Discovery Call with me, so I can go into more detail of how POD works and how you can use it to create your own merchandise.

By the time you read this, the Create Your Own Merch 1 to 1 Course will have gone up to its regular price in reaction to the comments made by my former students, telling me it was far too low(!). If the full whack is too much of a stretch for you right now, fear not, I will be launching a Group version, a ‘one to many’ to coin Lisa Johnson’s phrase (thank you Lisa). I’m hoping to be able to bring it to you in February 2022, so do let me know if you would like to be added to the Waiting List by emailing me at

That’s about it from me for this week. I’ll be back to my normal, pretty random, chatterbox self next week.

Lots of love,

Jo. Xx.

Read My Top Ten Most Wanted Merch here - it will show you just a slice of what's possible without having to invest in (or store) any stock!

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