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  • Writer's pictureJo Trafford

Pass Me The Wrench, I've Watched The Video On YouTube!

Have you ever wondered why people still invest in courses even though you can find out how to do pretty much anything if you watch enough YouTube videos? Well let's think about that for a moment.

"Watch enough YouTube videos?"

There's the thing. Just look at my laundry room ceiling. I'm currently mid-plumber-appointments. He's been, assessed the job, and now he's gone off to find the parts and do other jobs while the ceiling steadily turns browner.

Now I know that the answer is there, lurking somewhere in the YouTubiverse. I've no doubt that with the help of someone somewhere I could do the job, with a bit of tenacity and a heap of luck maybe. But no matter how many hours of YT videos I watch, I will never be a plumber. I will never have the right wrench or the years of experience. I could even make it worse and the ceiling could cave in on top of me.

As some of you may already know, I'm no stranger to YT myself. I gobble up YT videos for breakfast, it's all part of the learning process and I've absorbed so much from various experts on there, and continue to do so. It's taken a long time to find people who satisfy the whole "know, like and trust" factor and to build a bank of YouTubers who really know their onions.

Hell, I've even dabbled with my own channel. Yes, yes, I really do need to get on with that! I'm keeping it live ready for when I get my backside in gear, and I don't want to upset my 20-odd subscribers by disappearing into the e-ether. (If you fancy having a look, click here.)

So, back to my point.

I could do it.

It wouldn't be perfect.

It might stop the water coming through, but I'd still have to paint the ceiling. With special paint to stop the stains from coming back, too. Which I don't have.

It might make things worse and cost me more in the long run thank paying for the plumber in the first place.

I want the solution.

I don't want the hassle.

I don't want to learn how to plumb or redecorate or find the right paint in B&Q.

I don't want to source the various bits and pieces of plumbing paraphernalia to mend the leak.

I want the solution, I want it to be easy and fast and straightforward.

I want someone else to have made the mistakes and grown from them, gone off on a tangent, found the work-arounds.

I want the benefit of their training, knowledge and years of experience.

I want them to put the effort in on my behalf.

Sure, I want to learn and grow.

Sure, all knowledge and experience is of value.

But I want to spend my time and energy being, learning and growing in my own field of expertise, doing the things that light me up.

Why do people invest in courses? Or guides?

Or services? Surely they could find it all for free if they put the hours in, watched enough videos, tried and failed enough times?

Or they could grasp the help and ready-made solution straight away, by using the skills, knowledge, experience and expertise of someone who has been there, done that, designed the T-shirt, sold the T-shirt...

And there we have it.

Have a lovely week. If you would like to find more out about how my courses, guides and services can help you, do get in touch at

or head straight to my Calendly scheduler to book a free, no obligation Discovery Call.

Bye for now,

Jo. xx.

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