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  • Writer's pictureJo Trafford

Sharing the Love - Why Branded & Covered Features Other Course Creators' Offerings

Do you have a course in you, nagging away at your psyche, desperate to get out there and enrich people's lives?

Or do you already have a course, guide or service ready to go?

Either way, featuring it on our Branded & Covered website will:

*increase your visibility

*improve your SEO

*add credibility

*give you the opportunity of sharing your featured offering, using B&C links

As a course, guide and service creator myself, I will not allow 'any old thing' to appear on the B&C website. On the contrary, all additions have to be APPROVED. Currently, this means I will have actually lived, breathed and experienced the course (etc) in all its awesome glory.

In the future, this will probably have to extend out to the Branded & Covered team, as I can only be in one place at a time! We do not have an affiliate agreement with these course providers, but, again, this may change in the future.

It is important to keep quality high and by introducing these measures we will hopefully attract those who seriously want to grow their business, whilst we grown ours and give our clients the best, most valuable and comprehensive service.

So, do like Jojo Smith from CreativSAS and get your promotion featured on B&C NOW!

Want to learn more about the FAB U SAS online workshop? Click here.

If we take the above four-week online course, I did it, loved it, adopted the techniques and bought the T-shirt. Well, except it was a hoodie...

So it genuinely has my seal of approval and I'm over the moon to be able to feature Jojo's course on our site.

Go and check it out. Jojo is a whirlwind, but she is also incredibly friendly and helpful.

Bye for now,

Jo. xx.

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