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  • Writer's pictureJo Trafford

To Share or Not to Share

I admit it.

I am an over-sharer.

You probably know this already, especially if you're on my email list (you can join it here!)

But beyond telling you tales of my own derring-and-do, or often not so much of the "derring" and some might say too much of the "doing!", I also find it tricky to not tell everyone everything about what I do, professionally speaking.

I love it, you see.

Which means I have a tendency to get carried away.

Now, this is great if you're on the receiving end. You get the benefit of my knowledge and expertise for free.

Not such a good way to run a business though, is it?

I mean, it's just not sustainable. There has to be a line, a boundary somewhere.

Which is where it gets tricky in the arena of Challenges and Launches.

My twice-annual From Meh to Yeah! Free Challenge begins on 8th February. Which is a week earlier than I meant it too, because dumbkopf here originally set it for the following week, which for most of the country is Half Term. So many of you will be busy with your children that week. My children are well, dare I say it, grown ups now (though don't let them know that, I don't want them getting ideas!) so I'm rather out of the loop with school holiday dates.

Anyway, I digress...

So where to draw the line between what goes into a challenge and what to keep for the paid course it inevitably leads people towards? Spoiler alert - this is what free challenges do!!

I'm sure you've figured that out for yourself already.

The truth is, though, you can get a LOT from free challenges. I have. I've also gone on to take the paid courses afterwards when they are something I know I can get value from, but, yes, you can pick up so much from a free challenge just by taking part.

As for the content of my challenge, I'm of the school-of-thought that it needs to be useful, beneficial, valuable to those taking part. They need to see me, my way of working and realise that I know my stuff.

And, my darlings, as the recently crowned POD Queen, I can wholeheartedly tell you that I do!

Watch out for the posts in the Branded & Covered FB Group with Jo Wildsmith for details, email me at to sign up (sign ups officially start next Monday, 24th January so you're getting a sneaky queue-jump there!) and I'm about to announce the Pre-Launch price.

Oh, for Heaven's sake, I'll stop prevaricating and pop it here now, it will be £295. The sales page will be live this afternoon, I'll pop a link to it then. I just need to do more with it because, well, I'm a Virgo and therefore a picky minx.

That £295 price is the lowest you will ever pay to join my live Create Your Own Merch Course. It's for the Group Zoom one, the full live programme, which I only run twice a year. I do keep my 1-1 version of the course available all year round, but of course that's significantly more moulah.

I'll be back in a couple of hours to share my sales page with you. Have you seen my mini series, 22 Problems Solved by POD, by the way? It's a bit of fun, but does show the scope of print on demand, and hopefully you will be able to see why I love it so and know that having your own merchandise collection will benefit you in so many ways.

You can watch the series on the FB Group, Page or YouTube. Yes, I finally gave in and returned to YouTube, come and subscribe here...

Here's Day 10 for you, to have a quick look!

See you soon, you'll be seeing a fair bit from me over the coming weeks, so brace yourself,

lots of love,

Jo xx.

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