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  • Writer's pictureJo Trafford

What's Brewing at Branded & Covered?

Things are brewing nicely here at B&C HQ. And I’m not just talking about the tea and coffee…

As the time draws nearer to the opening of my Challenge, I’ve had something of a change of heart.

OK, so first of all, it’s no secret that on the back of my Challenge (which will be great fun by the way – keep an eye open for the sign-up page from February 2nd! Or both eyes even!) I will be telling you all about my upcoming Live Course. I mean, that’s a given, right?

Well, let me tell you a little something about that Course.

When I first came up with the concept, wrote and delivered it, it was six-modules long. My Esteemed Alumni, those glorious ladies who have been through the course and are now confirmed PODDERS with their merchandise collections up and running, ALL, without exception, told me they loved the Course, but I wasn’t charging enough for it.

So I put the price up.

Which was all fine and dandy and life went on in its merry way.

But something kept nagging me.

The original course was based on one solitary print on demand platform. Which, without going into too much bumf for those of you who are new to this adventure, means they could put their images and text-based designs on over 90 products.


That’s a whole lot of branded merch possibilities right there, eh?

But every now and then someone asked me for a product that wasn’t amongst the 90+. Organic cotton? Jewellery? Underwear?

Yes, I thought that too, why would you want branded underwear? But then, maybe they wanted to offer monogrammed underwear? A little Hugh Hefner perhaps, but the beauty of all of this is that you can really let your imagination run away with you.

Sorry, back to my point…

So, I wanted to add in more products. I was also asked about selling print on demand products through a marketplace, Etsy.

Then it all came together, and I realised that if I gave my Course students the full training on the first platform, they would then be in an ideal frame of mind for learning another platform. Once you know the first one, there are a few differences with each site and then you’re away! You’ll grasp it, I have no doubt.

If I can do it, you can. As you’ll see if you’re watching my mini series on Facebook, YouTube, etc. I’m a middle aged mum of 3 in my 50s with no IT background whatsoever. Check out Number 5, specifically!

And then the second platform I’m thinking of has a sister site. So with barely any extra work they could have products on there too.

Now we’re at over 300 products, when you add them all up.

I still hadn’t added in the Etsy bit, though. So now I have. And it just so happens that linking a print on demand supplier to Etsy is very similar to linking a website. So it won’t take that long to add that into the mix too.


Have I over-complicated things? I hope not. I will have to ask for a leap of faith that it will all flow and not be overwhelming, even if you have never even heard of POD.

Trust me, all you will need is an hour (with a little extra for a post-Module Q&A) once a week for 12 weeks and you will pick it up.

If you prefer to go at your own pace, or watch it as many times as you like, I will be putting recordings of all Modules in MemberVault, which Alumni of the Course will be able to access for life.

Oh, and you also get a printable copy, so you can make your own supplementary notes, or doodle…

I’m hoping I’ve thought of everything.

Of course, now I’ll get told I’m offering too much for the money again. I know that there are no other print on demand courses out there that give so much value, not that they help you from a branded merch point of view either.

But I feel happier knowing that I am giving you the full benefit of my knowledge and everything I have learnt and honed in the POD world.

And kept it digestible, too.

Come along and join the Waiting List by emailing me at . When I open the Sign-Ups for the Challenge on February 2nd, I will be sending everyone who has joined the Waiting List a cheeky little discount code – mainly to see who reads this blog post all the way to the end hahahaaa…

Bye for now, have a wonderful weekend,


PS The Challenge will be 16th, 17th and 18th February. I know that is Half Term for some areas of the country, so if you have school-age children, grab a break for about half an hour each of those days and join me on the Challenge (and if that’s really not an option, replays will be available).

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