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  • Writer's pictureJo Trafford

Why Side Stepping An Opportunity Felt Right This Time

Is it time for you to step up?

What does stepping up even mean?

Well, it depends on the context, of course, but for the purpose of this piece, I'm thinking about what it means to step up with regard to your business.

Actually, I had to rewrite that last sentence several times to get it right. I initially put "in your business", but I want you to take this beyond the confines of your business as it stands at the moment.

Sometimes stepping up also means stepping out. Outside the comfort of your Facebook group or safe, warm office, for example.

It could mean going live on social media. It could be making that phone call you've been putting off "in case they say no" (guilty as charged, m'lud). It might even mean coming up with a press release and sending it off into the world, which is another thing I really must do myself!

All of these are related to stepping out in a "being visible" way, but stepping out can also mean internally, mentally. Sometimes our instinct is to stick with what we know. We are quite happy, thank you very much, with going about our daily lives and often even our regular, day-to-day existence is more than enough to occupy us and make sure we sleep soundly at night.

But for many of us, there is an urge to level up, to grow. We want to try something new, to push our own boundaries.

Now I'm not talking about signing up for SAS Who Dares Wins here. Though of course I could be, if that's what lights your candles.

Yes, what stepping up means to you is unique to you. What might be a step up for you could even be perceived as a step down for someone else, and this doesn't mean they are further along than you, it means that they are on a different journey; their own.

I don't want to entirely mash stepping up with stepping out of your comfort zone, though.

It's fair to say that you can step out of your comfort zone without it being a step forward, as such. Stepping up is more akin to leveling up, to making that next push.

And sometimes it is scary, but it does not have to be a leap in the dark. You can prepare. You can make sure you have the infrastructure in place ready to step up. You can give yourself time to adjust.

With planning and preparation you can have alternative options to hand, should things need to change at the last minute. You can have your own Plan B or even C and D.

I'm not talking about spending weeks/months/years prepping to step up. That's another P-word: procrastinating.

Let me give you an example...

So, this morning one of my favourite business inspirations, Dani Wallace, sent a message out to say that the person she was due to be chatting with live on her Facebook group today had had to pull out so did anyone want to hop in at short notice?

My heart said "go for it!"

My head said "you're not ready!"

Gulp. Well, I can tell you that made me think.

After all, I've done this before and it was great. The host made me feel welcome and it was an enjoyable experience. I came off air feeling like I had taken a brave step and really pushed myself.

So why didn't I put myself forward on this occasion, this morning?

It was because I wanted to wait until it was the right time to step up.

I know. Done is better than perfect. Life is too short. Grab the bull by the horns.

And many more natty little sayings.

But the fact is, it isn't time for me to step up yet. It's not far off. The Branded & Covered website is up and running. The Facebook group is growing. My emails are going out every Friday and I'm loving writing them, so do join my list. You could say I'm building the foundations, and I am determined they are firm, solid ones at that.

My VIP service is available and my How To Print book is on pre-order, but I know that my live courses are going to be my forte and they are simply not ready yet.

Conceived? Yes.

Written? Yes, actually.

On sale? Nope.

When I step up and tell the world about them, then you'll know.

I never intended this week's blog to turn into me whispering about what's coming. Maybe that in itself is me stepping up?

Time to stop hiding behind generic business tips and make it more personal?

Either way, stepping up can be daunting, but get yourself ready and go for it. I'm going to!

Standing still's for statues.

Hope you have a lovely week,

Until next time,

Jo xx.

PS Tell me about a time that you've stepped up. Was it your idea or was it down to someone else? How did it feel? Where did it lead?

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